Tag Archives: the farm


There’s nothing like a little diversity – keeps the mind sharp. I’m a huge believer in that. SO…we’re repainting our parlor right now. Since about day 2 after painting this room, I absolutely hated the color it has been (click the link for immediate gratification) and I have HAD it. Reached my limit completely and…

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  • While this room looks perfectly lovely to me, Im dying to see how fabulous it looks when you’re done. So what did you decide for the new color?

    PS: Do you know how lucky you are to be married to someone who would care that the color wasn’t right? I think my husband would kill me in my sleep if I suggested we repaint something after it had just been painted. hahaReplyCancel

  • Tao Taupe – Benjamin Moore! I LOVE it. Will post shots once finished –

    Yes, I’m very lucky, because every room in this house has been painted over *save* the kitchen. Yes. I’m serious! We actually didn’t paint it over right away – we lived with it for a little over a year. ReplyCancel

living with ghosts…version 2

It has been a while since I’ve mentioned anything about our noisy guests (I suppose a better word would be “inhabitants”).   If yo’ure new to the blog and have yet to hear of the spooky past…please mosey on over to read the original ghost post. One evening in December of 2007, we had our good…

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  • I don’t think I could deal with any ghosts. I can barely stand the house settling type creaks when Im alone late at night. When we first bought our house, I’d try to call out any ghosts whenever we were working in there. I figure if they haven’t shown up in a year, I think Im safe right?

    Good luck keeping your friends friendly 🙂ReplyCancel

  • You’re not living there yet 😉

    Who knows???

    You could deal with them if you HAD to, believe me!ReplyCancel

  • F-R-E-A-K-Y!!!!!! “the call is coming from inside the house!!!!!!!” what movie was that??? With the sitter????

    Realistic Explanation: With all of the hiccups that cell phone companies have these days, late messages, dropped calls, I would chalk it up to a missed call signal coming late.

    Dawn’s Expalantion: Since you were TALKING about the ghosts, and this is YOU, I would say, yeah, a ghost called from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEK!!!!!!!!!!

    (no photo of the cell phone with the missed call??? Come on Ms. Laura ‘the bomb’ photog, you’re slacking!!!!!)ReplyCancel

  • Oh Laura… I could tell you SO many stories, and not just from one location. Seems like from as early as I can remember I have had “experiences” I never talk about them to anyone, why I am doing so here I don’t know, but you tell people and they just know you are cracked. You guys don’t know me, I’m pretty normal, not eccentric, not a drama queen… Nothing special, pretty urban house wife. No one would guess me as telling these stories really…. I’m not a whack-o I swear!

    When I was real young, this blue light would come and hang in the corner of my room, sometimes for hours.

    In HS, a friend and I were messing around and told her ghost to make it’s self known, and the radio turned on in the next bedroom unattended, and the garage door flew open.

    Later in HS at a birthday party the girls got out the Ouija board. I asked what I was getting for my birthday and it said frosty, later that evening, my parents took me to the stables and there was a huge ribbon on a stall and the horses name was frosty sox. No one knew my present, it was another girls birthday party on the same day as mine, I was having mine the following Saturday.

    After I graduated, before my grandmother’s funeral, the phone rang. When I answered it in front of my boyfriend, there was static, then very clearly, grandma said my name and that was all.

    Some nights I could feel my ferret climb up in bed with me like she always had, the bed actually felt like it pressed down on that spot, but she had been gone for almost a year.

    I had the same experience with something that sat at the edge of my bed and would put it’s hand on my thigh comforting. I always felt like it was grandma.

    I lived in upstate NY for a year, and had a ghost that would go up and down our stairs. 20 feet from me when no one was home, talk about freaky, and you could just feel if it was irritated or just pacing, don’t ask me how but you just knew, later my husband at the time, mentioned it after I had never said anything about it.

    When my daughter started speaking in broken sentences around 2 1/2 or 3ish, she told me the story of the face in her bedroom window. This face would check in on her to see if she was doing well, and she called him “David” My husband’s late father’s name that to my knowledge had never been mentioned to her he was even passed.

    I can alway find some logical reason for why those things happened and passed them off, but after a while, a person does tend to come back and say, hmmm what if?

    These days, the dogs go off for no reason at all. I have caught glimpses of movement just at or beyond my peripheral vision, all explainable… And that’s just what I could think of in a couple of minutes, if I look back there have been so many!

    I will never know if we interpret them as paranormal, or if the realistic explanations are really the truth. But I can tell you, I would never entirely rule out ghosts! You phone call gave me goose bumps. I will never ever forget my static call, or the sound of that voice.ReplyCancel

  • Cyndie, thank you so much for sharing! Those are some REALLY creepy stories! I enjoyed reading them.

    I would like to also think that we’re relatively normal – never had any real experiences until we moved in here!ReplyCancel

  • Rhonda

    So I know this is a super old post, but as I’m a newer reader I’m going back through to catch up on things. I feel the need to comment on this as my Aunt has an older home that they are re-doing. They have ‘things” in their house as they have actually SEEN them. But they hear the stuff as well. Doors opening and closing, walking etc. One thing I wanted to point out is that they started have more of it when they started remodeling their house. My uncle was working upstairs one time and actually heard children running across the floor upstairs in the next room to him. He also would see things out of the corners of his eyes.

    Needless to say I don’t visit that house that often in fear I might actually see something that I don’t want to. My aunt thrives on stuff like this and had done quite a bit of research on this topic. So it doesn’t bother her a bit. It’s creepy to me but interesting at the same time.

    With the remodeling of the house I wonder if it’s more that your stirring the spirits or whatever it is up. I had things like that happening my parents house growing up. I actually had the same room as the previous owners son had who was killed in a motorcycle accident. And I was the one who experienced stuff…like being turned off, tv turned off and on. The list could go on.

    Hopefully your ghosts issues are minimal these days.ReplyCancel

  • […] you never read about our Ghost Story, make sure you check out the original HERE, and then an update HERE.  You won’t want to miss those […]ReplyCancel

the farm @ christmas

OK, the very last of the holiday content! I promise! I just realized the wreath isn’t centered on the dutch door, oops! Slightly different angle so you can see the trees we have on the porch. View from the street: (really need a big bow for the large wreath)  Fence in focus…   Of course, with…

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  • Beautiful shots! I am inspired for next year!++

  • Number 1 I want for Christmas decoration year after year! What a gorgeous House with a life all it’s own!
    Great shots! Can’t wait to see your theme for Martin Luther King day! Valentine, Easter on and on!

  • Patricia

    Looks great! At least its only the wreath that’s not centered… I left my pumpkin (from Halloween) on my front steps with all my decorations!!! LOL!ReplyCancel

the foyer @ christmas

The foyer and the outside seem to get the most attention during the holiday season. I haven’t downloaded the exterior shots yet but I do have the interior shots completed. Here is a transformation for you. The foyer fireplace before we purchased the home: Fireplace last year (still with screen) – you’ll notice the walls…

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  • Thats a great room! And so huge for a foyer!

    Do you find you end up leaving a lot of junk on that table or does it stay mostly neat? Im thinking of adding a little table to the living room (near where I’d walk in) but I don’t know if I want to give myself another mess to clean up.ReplyCancel

  • You know, I’d have to say that for the most part it’s clean – not one of our junk collecting tables. We walk in the back entrance – so the mudroom and the kitchen table get the clutter – which is why I’m happy when people come to the front door 😉 ReplyCancel

  • Ok, so that wouldn’t apply for me. Only one way to walk in for me.

    Im jealous of the whole mud room thing. That seems like such a luxury 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Yes, it is! I LOVE my Mudroom. 😉ReplyCancel

  • […] Foyer has not changed much since last Christmas but I’ll post a few […]ReplyCancel

our farm:the upstairs bathroom

I’m going to jump upstairs to give a view of the upstairs bathroom. For those that have Full Access, you can refer to it’s location on the Second Level Floorplan. Nothing has changed in this room since we purchased it. Original tin ceilings and walls!  psst…now, I’m going to pretend I don’t see those orbs…

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  • Joe

    What is that circular spot in the open doorway? Would that be your friendly neighborhood ghost?ReplyCancel

  • Totally saw those orbs and gasped before I even read your note! tee hee! Also, didn’t your momma tell you to never stand on the toilet!???????? You could fall in! The things we do for photos! I lurv the tub!!!! That bathroom needs a chandelier!ReplyCancel

  • Oh, I totally agree Dawn, no doubt!ReplyCancel

  • I think the silver sage paint would look great in there. If you have it already, might be worth a try. We have it in our kitchen and depending upon the time of day it goes from a blueish green to a grey so its very versatile.

    Love the ceiling in there – its totally gorgeous. Not sure if you were planning on painting that too but that would look amazing in silver leaf.

    On your clawfoot tub – I hate to tell you this but they are not very shower friendly. They are simply not meant to contain the kind of water splatter you get in a shower. So you have to have this huge shower curtain around the whole thing which totally spoils the look and then even after all that, water still gets on the floor. Of course people use them for showers all the time but there are annoying.ReplyCancel

  • […] wants something new, and I have TONS of new stuff – a bathroom reno and a bathroom paint job (yeah, that bathroom). However – work and life these last few weeks has been rather hectic. I’ll tell you, working […]ReplyCancel